Lesson Week: 

Student Survery

After giving the survey, I learned that majority of the students are happy with having me inside of the classroom. Giving this survey to students allowed me to see how students think of me and what type of things that I need to work on. Two students put maybes with the

questions “What we learn is related to my real life” and “My YSU teacher makes us all think”. As a teacher, it is important to integrate

lessons with life. As a teacher, I need to work more with relating lessons to each child’s life. Also, students do not like to think about

questions for a long period and sometimes students get frustrated when I sit and make them think about the question is asking. For unit

week, I will integrate more things into lessons that help students relate the lesson to their lives. I focus so much on the lesson material, that

sometimes I forget to integrate this information to their personal lives. During unit week, there are opportunities where students get a

chance to do activities with parents at home. Looking at the graph, I am happy that none of the students feel I am not doing a good and

doing what I am supposed to be doing inside of the classroom. As a teacher, it is important to recognize all students learning needs and create a positive and safe classroom for all students.

Formative assessments

Language Arts

Description: During the read aloud, students were to verbally answer questions about the read aloud "Rough-Face Girl". Students were asked questions throughout the story and a checklist was used to see if each student was understanding the 5 W's. I would ask questions frequently throughout th read aloud that used one of the 5 W's and call on different students to see if they could answer the questions about the text. I would observe student's answers and put a mark next to their name on the checklist that is shown below. 

5 W's Chart:

Who (who is the main character?)

What (What happened when Rough-Face Girl met with the Invisible Being's sister?)

Where (Where did the story take place?)

When (When Rough-Face Girl took a bath in the water, what happened to her hair and skin?)

Why (Why did Rough-Face Girl feel sad after walking by neighbors?)



Class Checklist

Teacher Key

Use the marker to fill in each box with each student.


Correct: +


Half correct: -----


Not correct: X



Correct +

Half correct -----

Not correct  X

























































Objective: When given questions orally, students will answer who, what, where, when, and why questions to show an understanding of the setting with at least 80% accuracy.

Rationale: The students are good with answering questions about the read aloud and this assessment was given to students to see if they could answer questions orally about the 5 W's. This is an effective way to see if students are understading the read aloud or not. Using a checklist is a quick and easy way to write down which students are not getting it and which students are. Overall, I knew using this type of assessment with students would be an appropriate choice for the Language Arts lesson. 

Differentiation: Students who are in the "red" group, only had to answer a question that was asked and could call on a friend if the student was having trouble answering the question. A different scoring guide was made for these students. If they did not answer the question correctly, the student would get an X next to their name explaining they are not understanding the material. If they got it correct, they would get a plus sign. There is another section on the scoring guide if the student would give evidence from the story in their answer.  

Differentiated scoring guide:




Did they answer the question ?



Could they give evidence with their answer from the text?




Technology used in Language Arts Lesson: 


Did the student:



Use the iPad correctly



Answered questions about the 5 W’s in the story Rough-Face Girl




Data collected from Kahoot: During the Kahoot, the teacher could use a checklist to monitor each student's participation during this game. This is a useful tool in the classroom figuring out which student struggled with the 5 W's and who did well. After finishing the game, the teacher could use this data to reflect on areas that need improvement. 


Description: During the Math lesson, students were to write down different equations for the dotted array shown. A checklist was used to see if students were using the proper techniques and equations to represent the correct dotted array equation. Each student was asked throughout the lesson to see if they could create different equations for the dotted array. On the checklist, students were given a type of mark to represent if they got the lesson or not. 


Directions: Write down as many equations as you can with the array given below on your white board. When you are finished, please bring your work up to the teacher. 





Class Checklist

Teacher Key

Use the marker to fill in each box with each student.


Correct: +


Half correct: -----


Not correct: X



Correct +

Half correct -----

Not correct  X
























































Objective: The students will represent arrays up to 10 dots using addition problems consisting of equal addends.

Rationale: The students are familiar with creating an equation that pertains to dotted arrays. During number corner every morning, students work on creating addition problems with dotted arrays. This lesson was not completely brand new and students knew how to create addtion problems looking at a dotted array. Using this type of assessment was appropriate for all students. 

Differentiation: Students who are in the "Red" group did have differentiation throughout this lesson. The students were allowed to use different manipulatives to help them create problems for the dotted array. A different checklist was used for students in this group. 

Directions: Look at the array below. How many dots are in this array? There are two correct answers. Circle the two answers below that match this array.  



Answer choices: 

A. 3 + 3 = 6                                   C. 2 + 4 = 6          



B. 8 + 2 = 10                                 D. 5 + 2 = 7


Differentiated Scoring Guide: 

Looking for:



Did the choose the correct math equations?



If so, did they use the manipulative correctly?





Description: Students learned about the water cycle and got the chance to participate in a science activity. When  the book about the water cycle was completed along with the science experiement, stuents were to complete a graphic organizer about the water cycle. After finishing the handout, students were graded with a checklist. 




Class Checklist

Teacher Key

Use the marker to fill in each box with each student.


Correct: +


Half correct: -----


Not correct: X




Half correct -----

Not correct  X
























































Handout for gifted students: 


What happens when a liquid evaporates into a gas?


A.    Melts                                   C. Smells


B.    Disappears                           D. Grows



If there is a drinking cup filled with water and ice cubes sitting on a table, how would you describe the condensation happening on the outside of the cup?


A.  The ice cubes change color    C.  The cup breaks



B.    The cup gets hot            D. Water drips down the glass




When clouds up in the sky can no longer hold millions of water droplets, what happens?


A. Birds fall from the sky             C. The ground starts to shake


B. It begins to rain                       D. The clouds cry





Activity for "Red" group: 



Objective:The students will identify the 3 main components of the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, and precipitation) when give a graphic ogranizer depicting the cycle. 

Rationale: Using this type of Science lesson was a way to prepare students for the assessment at the end of the lesson. Science is not a content area that students focus on, and giving them this type of assessment appropriate for this lesson. 

Differentiation: Students who are in the "Red" group had many choices on their graphic organizer to fill in the graphic organizer. After students filled out the handout, they were graded with a different checklist. 


Answer Choices:




Differentiated Scoring Guide: 

Looking for:



Did the student place the correct answer on the graphic organizer



Did they use the answers provided




Social Studies 

Description: My theme for this lesson was how time can be measured. During the beginning of this lesson, students were to compare/contrast how the people lived during long ago to now. They had to explain how the people dressed and lived. Students had a visual to compare/contrast at the beginning of the story "Rough-Face Girl". The first page was opened to show students how the people dressed and lived. Students turned and talk with a partner about the similarities/differences. When they finished sharing their answers, some students were called on to share their thoughts. 

Question: Look at the page shown, how did the people dress and live long ago? Turn and talk with a partner about how people lived back then compared to now. Talk about the similarities/differences that you see. 


Class Checklist

Teacher Key

Use the marker to fill in each box with each student.


Correct: +


Half correct: -----


Not correct: X



Correct +

Half correct -----

Not correct  X
























































Objective: The student will verbally dicuss how time can be measured. 

Rationale: Assessing students with verbal questions  was quick and easy way to see if the students could compare and contrast people that lived long ago. Using a checklist during the lesson was a great tool to mark down who could identify these comparisons and differences and who could not. 

Differentiation: Throughout this lesson, students were able to verbally describe the differences/similarities with students about how time can be measured. The "Red" group only had to give 1 difference and 1 similarity the found with how the people long ago dressed and lived. This checklist below is what this group will be graded on at the beginning of this lesson. 

Differentiated Scoring Guide:

Looking for:



Did the student verbally describe 1 difference and 1 similarity




Feedback Log: 

Lesson Day

Provide the day and content

Feedback Provided

State if it is oral or written and if it is written what you wrote it on (i.e.  rubric, rating scale, post it)

How would or will you encourage students to use the feedback?

Day 1: Mathematics 

I provided written feedback on each student's asessment about their addition equations for the math array. 

Student 1: This student is getting better with their math skills. I wrote on this student's handout, "Great Job"! You wrote down 4 correct addition proble, great work! 

Student 2:  This student is above average with their math skills. On this studetn's handout, I wrote "Great Work" Tomorrow lets try to see if you can solve some challenging math problems! 

I would encrouage students to use this feedback everyday with their math work. If they are feeling down during the day, pull out the handout that encourages the student to try their best everyday in the classroom. These types of positive encouragements help students do their best work. 

Day 2: Language Arts 

I provided verbal feedback with students. Reaching out to students during the read aloud, helps guide students with their thinking skills. Giving students higher level questioning helps each student use higher thinking skills. 

Student 1: This student struggles with answering questions orally. When a question was asked to this student, the student was given extended time to organizer their thoughts and try to answer the question. If the student felt frustrated or confused, the student could call on another peer for help. Example "If you are feeling confused with the question, you can call on a friend to help"

Student 2: This student does well answering questions and answerin questions orally. During the read aloud, this student was asked high level questions to expain their thinking. When this student asnwered correctly, I would try to extend/challenge the student with another question. Example "Okay now that you answered how the "Rough-Face Girl" felt, how do you think you would feel if you were her?

The next day I would remind students to think through each answer carefully and continue to use their thinking skills with the read alouds. Continue challenging higher level students and help guide students who are still struggling. Encourage the gifted students to continue their learning and challenge them to give examples of what each part of the water cycle means. 

Day 3: Science

I provided written feedback to the students on a sticky note on their graphic organizer. 

Student 1: This student struggled with content material and learning about Science was difficult. The feedback that was provided this student was "Good Try"! but lets continue to figuring out what are the stages of the water cycle? (Evaporation, condensation, and precipitation) 

Student 2: This student did well on the graphic organizer. The feedback that was written on this student's handout was "Great Job". Tomorrow can you give an example of what evaporation means?

Providing students with written feedback on their handout helps student use that handout for the next day. On the sticky note, helps guide students with the stages of the water cycle. This feedback is helpful to students who do not remember/confuses the stages of the water cycle. 


Individual Lesson Assessment Reflection: 

The learning focus of the Language Arts lesson was students answering questions about who, what, where, when, and why. When given questions orally, students will answer who, what, where, when, and why questions to show an understanding of the setting with at least 80% accuracy.  During the Math lesson, students were learning how to make array dots in addition problems using equal addends up to 10. The students will represent arrays up to 10 dots using addition problems consisting of equal addends. The lesson focus of the Science lesson was learning about the water cycle. The students will identify the 3 main components of the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation) when given a graphic organizer depicting the cycle. 


The pre-assessment for the Language Arts lesson was asking students to name the 5 W’s. Majority of students could identify the 5 W’s. After using this pre-assessment, a chart was made with the 5 W’s, and as a class, we discussed what those 5 W’s were. During the Math lesson, the student’s pre-assessment was to use dot arrays to show addition problems using equal addends. Majority of students could create math problems using the dot arrays, but some of the students got confused with their addition problems and added the equation wrong.  The pre-assessment for Science was to name the different parts of the water cycle. Almost the entire class did not know at least two parts of the water cycle. Science is not a focus during the school day. Majority of students are not familiar with science content because it is not taught often. 


Formative assessments that were used during the Language Arts lesson were thumbs up/down. This was a tool that was used often during the read aloud. If a student answered a question about the story, students could agree/disagree with the answer by showing a thumb up/down. If a student did not agree with the other student, they would have to give a reason why they disagreed. A checklist was used throughout this lesson to check of students who were understanding the questions being asked, who kind of understood the material, and who was not getting it. During Math, students brought their white boards to the center of the room and at down in front of the white board. The formative assessments given to students were again, using a thumbs up/down to agree with another classmate and at the end of the lesson, students received a sticky note and wrote down 2 equations that would match the array given. Students were graded by a checklist again to see who got it, who kind of did, and who did not. During the Science lesson, students were asked questions pertaining to the story and how the water cycle worked. At the end of the lesson, students received a sticky note and had to write down at least 2 stages of the water cycle they remember talking about. Students were graded using a checklist to see which students got it, who kind of did, and who did not. Below was a checklist used during the Lanauge Arts lesson. Majority of students either got it or kind of got it. There were 5 students who did not get the material and for future planning, those students will need more assistance during read aloud lessons. Overall, I am happy with the student's responses during the read aloud, and most students could answer the questions about the text. 

Languge Arts Checklist: 

Class Checklist

Teacher Key

Use the marker to fill in each box with each student.


Correct: +


Half correct: -----


Not correct: X



Correct +

Half correct -----

Not correct  X













Peyton  +



Zyla       +



Maurice  +












Madison   +



Ja’Rell    +



Jaden     +















Adrianna    + 



Based off observations, Brooklyn for the most part interacted and participated throughout the three lessons taught. She does better working at things during the morning, rather than the afternoon. During the afternoon, she gets to leave and work with the Intervention Specialist. During the Math lesson, Brooklyn loses focus and wants to leave. Throughout the morning, she loves listening during the read aloud and being active in the classroom. She loved the Science lesson and did well answering questions about the water cycle. Madison was another student observed. She is a great student and does well in the classroom. During the read aloud in Language Arts, she participated often and answered questions about the 5 W’s. When given equations with the dotted array, Madison gave more than enough answers to each equation. During the Science lesson, Madison identified all the stages of the water cycle and provided one sentence for each stage. Language Arts and Math, I expected students to do well with these content areas because they focus on these areas every day. I figured students were going to struggle with Science because they do not learn about Science often during the school day.

After the Language Arts lesson was over, majority of students could identify the 5 W’s. This transitioned into the next day of learning, which was giving a question from the story using all 5 W’s. Students used each W to write a question that came from the story “Rough-Face Girl”. Collecting data from the Math lesson, majority of students created addition problems that equaled the dotted array. Students had to give more than 4 addition problems to the dotted array and students could give multiple addition problems. This transitions into the next day of learning which is creating addition problems using bigger dotted arrays. When the Science lesson was over, some of the students could not identify stages of the water cycle. Knowing this information, at the beginning of the Science lesson tomorrow students would go over what the water cycle is again and have to fill out another exit slip to collect more data with this content area.


During the Langue Arts lesson, students were getting majority of the feedback during the read aloud. Different questions were asked throughout the lesson about the story “Rough-Face Girl”. The questions that were asked pertained to the 5 W’s (who, what, where, when, and why). Brooklyn sat at the front of the reading carpet for close monitoring. She needs reassurance during lessons, so having her sit close was an easy way to keep her focused with the read aloud. If she was off task, I would redirect her attention to the story. Madison focused throughout the read aloud and answered questions frequently. Students were frequently asked questions about this story, after the read aloud the students participated in a Kahoot game. Students worked in groups to answer questions and received feedback on the answers they chose about the story. During the Math lesson, Brooklyn sat at the round table and participated figuring out addition problems for the dotted array given. She got a little frustrated if she did not get called on to share her answers, but continued to focus with her math work. Students who answered questions wrong, the entire class would work out the math problem and figure out what the student missed. Students received feedback constantly throughout this lesson. During the Science lesson, Madison was eager to learn about Science because they never get to. She loved learning about the water cycle and feedback was given to her often when she would try to guess the different parts of the water cycle. Feedback to students was needed during this lesson because students were confused about how the water cycle worked. Students will use this feedback to help guide them through each content area that was taught during lesson week. The feedback was using constantly through each lesson to help each student comprehend the material.

            Based off lesson week, giving pre-assessments to students is crucial. Finding out where students learning levels are is so important. Figuring out where to start with teaching each lesson was time consuming, but worth it when the students were understanding the material for each content area. As a teacher, it is essential to give students feedback quickly to keep them on track with their education. Whether the feedback is positive or negative students need to know what goals need to be met and achieved in the classroom. Something that I would change during lesson week is giving out clearer instructions during the read aloud during the Language Arts lesson. I would give students a minute to turn and talk, but would forget to tell them the question before they would turn and talk. When the students would turn to a partner, it was hard to gain their attention back and give them the proper directions for what to talk about. Also, during Science, it’s hard to implement Science in little period during the school day. Science is not the focus and students do not retain Science very well. If Science was taught more often in the school setting, students would have an easier time learning the terms and material. Overall, lesson week went well and teaching each content are was a great experience.